Wolfram Steffen’s spanking literature is well established, especially in the German BDSM, Domestic Discipline and spanking scene. The author’s stories, tales and fantasies differ fundamentally from the usual books on this subject. They do not merely remain on the surface. Neither do they describe any playful spanking games between adults that might lead to reddened bottoms during foreplay. Wolfram Steffen takes things seriously. He delves into the harsh past, when there was still a rod, a cane or a leather strap in every house. He takes the reader to distant lands where men are still in charge and every female knows what will happen to her if she rebelled against her father, master or husband. Wolfram also tells stories of a fictional future in which women are feminine women again and men do what nature has destined them to do.

This book contains the author’s thoughts between the books he has written. It is about the rod of discipline as it was once practiced. It is about couples who defy the spirit of the times and still live the traditional roles of dominant man and submissive woman today. It is about the diverse forms of relationships between sex and power, about taboos, prohibitions and religion and about other cultures and traditional customs that are considered shocking in many western countries.

“Taking Charge” is a collection of 110 short articles from the Wolfram Steffen’s spanking blog on www.malerule.com (in German: www.widerwort.com) describing the thoughts and experiences of the the deep-seated flagellant in Wolfram. Including scenes from life here and now. Thoughts on cultures, customs and traditions. Observations that irritate, stimulate, excite and make you think. Reflections, assumptions and conclusions beyond all political correctness.

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