Father Braun was a man who cherished traditional values and deeply despised the permissive way of life of our time. When he discovered the old monastery in one of the most remote areas of Europe, he knew his time had come. He had a mission to fulfill, and this was exactly the right place to carry it out. Braun had dedicated his life to education. He had traveled to faraway lands and taught in schools where the teacher was still a person of respect and the cane never left his side. His vision was a boarding school that was not open to everyone and where he would restore the old values of discipline and order.

The church has always had a special relationship with the rich and powerful of this world. People who were used to ruling over others and who also ran their own families with an iron fist. And who preferred to avoid the public eye, practice their own values and live according to their own special ideas. Their children grew up under the strict discipline of educators who were closer to traditional educational methods than any modern pedagogy. Her daughters attended boarding schools where performance was rewarded and negligence punished. Boarding schools like Father Braun’s, where strict rules applied and men in brown frocks ruled over young girls who were destined to marry the most influential men and socialize in the highest circles.

A man who wanted to place his daughter here not only had to be the head of one of the world’s great families. He also had to be prepared to place his educational authority in the hands of men who knew how to put a young girl on the right path. For the boarding school was not only located in a secluded place far away from all eye and ear witnesses. It was also a place where loud cries of pain filled the air whenever a pupil gave cause to feel the rod of discipline.

With this book, Wolfram Steffen transfers the reader into a fictional world that is actually anything but fictional. A world of sin and atonement, of offense and punishment, of severity and rebuke. For females are weak and only stripes of purification will show them the right path.

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