This book is based on a true story. An American motel owner had equipped several rooms of his hotel with hidden ceiling openings in order to secretly watch his guests. For years he studied the sexual behaviour of young and older couples in this way. He met prudish people who only did it under the covers. He watched teenagers having their first awkward sex and married couples on their honeymoon during the ritual they had been practicing for years. He caught respected family men having an affair and witnessed successful business men having fun with a hooker. He meticulously recorded this and in the end came to the sobering conclusion that most people’s sex is actually rather banal, unimaginative and frustrating.

With „They Got Whipped in Room No. 34“ Wolfram Steffen has taken up this incident and transformed it into a stimulating narrative that paints a completely different picture. His story takes place in a luxury hotel, whose director lives out his voyeuristic passion to the fullest and experiences the small erotic abysses of his fellow men.

As with many of Wolfram Steffen’s other books, „They Got Whipped in Room No. 34“ is about events that originated in reality and find their completion in fantasy. They are a real treat for readers who are at home in the BDSM and spanking world and appreciate a sophisticated narrative style that will appeal to any spanking connoisseur.

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