Wolfram Steffen found her on Dominica, a paradise island in the Lesser Antilles between Martinique and Guadeloupe. Obviously nothing had changed there for a hundred years. There were still real family heads here, because every man ruled over his own with an iron hand. Daughters were brought up with the cane or a leather strap and their mothers had nothing to laugh about if they rebelled against the head of the family.

The white man from faraway Germany was invited to her family home and the coffee brown beauty immediately caught his attention. She was still very young and had just finished high school. Her head was full of ideas, but she lived under the tyrannical care of her uncle and he had very special plans for her. Her beauty was her capital and he wanted to use that to sell her to the island’s tourists as a willing vacation companion.

Steffen met her in secret. They made adventurous and anything but harmless escape plans. In the end, she was on a plane to Germany with him. He was her liberator, with whom she could escape the confines of the island. He was the „white man from Germany“ to whom she owed everything and who soon married her.

But as soon as she carried his name, the tide turned. He loved her exotic beauty. But he was a man who insisted on domestic discipline and demanded her absolute submission. So he led her with a stern hand and made her into the very woman he had sought in vain among the women at home.

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